A while back I was asked by illustration comrade
Josh Whettingsteel to draw young Southampton upstarts
Pale Seas for a zine he was putting together. And so, that is exactly what I did.
Happy to be restricted to the monochrome (as lately I've been going utterly colour bonkers; grabbing any crayon I
damn well please) I used it as an opportunity to try and achieve more detail with a finer pencil and I'm quite intrigued with the atmospheric results. A pleasure to draw, I love the band's distinctive look, and their
sound is also definitely one to "watch".
Some abstract sketches I created after visiting Mike Nelson's
M6 exhibition at
Eastside Projects, Birmingham, are also set to adorn the article. These warped ragged tyre forms looked like something that the sea would bring in, weathered and strangely alien, and fitted in nicely as the extra
bits of mark-making that Josh was looking for. Really looking forward to seeing what he puts together!