Tuesday, 4 April 2017

PMT Branding

In response to International Women's Day, my tight homie Alison Baskerville had an idea to hold a special event in Birmingham. A couple of WhatsApp messages and a little meet-up later, PMT was born, in this instance standing for Powering the Matriarchy Together. Gender equality is a serious business, but from the beginning this was fun, light and playful in its approach and focused on celebrating womxn, directly challenging stereotypes and any one-sided approach to feminism just by being itself (or ourselves). I enthusiastically offered my services to create the PMT branding, which I got the idea for whilst on a run around my neighbourhood, thinking about all the different things womxn do with their hands, such as making art, holding babies, building things, throwing punches, climbing trees, shaking the hands of men who get paid more than them, dishing out rude gestures... the list is endless.

I used this idea as the basis upon which to build the branding, including P M T shaped hand gestures (developments below) as well as a pair of hands to represent each of the four content areas: body, love, work and art (above).

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Pocket Film Festival

Last month I worked on a little brochure for the first ever Pocket Film Festival, taking place in Stafford. As a brand new venture grown through Flatpack:Assemble there was no existing assets to work with, so I followed my own concept of basing the design on 'things that fit in your pocket'. This first iteration featured a matchbox containing some tiny illustrated film festival 'parts', like a little kit of collected items for use by borrower-sized types. This also informed the use of yellow and red throughout the design scheme. The festival guide was A6 in size, cross folding out into an A4 page featuring all the film content, from archival footage to La La Land.